These Coloring Pages are designed as educational tools for the B'more Birds Mural Project. They are for those who are interested in exploring their creativity with colors. The real pleasure of coloring can only be experienced if you take time to do it . There isn't quite as rewarding as the creativity in your mind expressed through the use of your hand in an activity that gives you joy. Click on MURALS to see the photos of murals and the descriptions of each bird. If you interested in owning an original print of the birds for your home or to gift to someone, click on PRODUCTS.
Enjoy your time learning about the birds and coloring them!
Note: Right click on the image or drag the image to your desktop to save & print. If you enjoyed coloring the birds, please spread the words by sharing your completed artwork(s) on your social media so that others can enjoy them, too. Tag me on your posts in Facebook and Instagram.